Okay, I've been at my "new" temporary home for a week. It is definitely not as nice as my host family in Aliabad, but it is quiet and no yelling at one another (though that could change, I have only been here a week). I live semi-independent in a house with grandparents next door, son and wife upstairs with 2 children that go to the University in Georgia. Now I will give you a grand tour. First is my pitch or gas stove that keeps my semi kitchen/dining and living room quite toasty unless it is windy. In that case, I need to turn it off as the flames come out of it (known as back draft), and I am a little nervous that the curtains (the lace ones on the right of the picture) will catch on fire (if you notice, I've put the curtains behind a plate glass).
Warm gas stove |
Now my next area is the sink (notice the hose), when its on I have running water, if not the garbage can is full of water (I use it for washing dishes and boiling only). As you will notice, the next picture a very large PC issue water filter, which I use for ALL drinking water.
Running Water |
Water Filter
So I bet you are asking, where's her stove and refrigerator? Of course, it is right outside my door. It gets pretty chilly out there (because it is outside for the most part). But spring is coming and it will get warmer, but now I try to time everything so I can run out and get whatever I'm cooking and bring it back in. The first time I made rice, my timing was off and I burnt it.. Oh well.
Stove & Frig |
Next is my wall of pictures, this has to be my favorite part of decorating, it is my family and friends, so please if you write or send me anything please include a picture or a cartoon (it reminds me of home). Oh, you notice the two TVs and the stereo unit (I think). They don't work and they belong to the family who owns the house. Oh, in case you were worry about my gas heater, behind the pictures on the shelf I have a PC issue fire/smoke and carbon monoxide alarm. Darn, those PC heads are really looking after us, don't they?
Picture Wall |
I did learn the fine art of how to light the pitch (gas heater) and it must be followed or it can blow, you must light a piece of paper first, put it inside the pitch and then turn on the gas and stand back in that order. I just hope it doesn't blow up. Moving on is my bedroom, large and basic. Haven't had time to decorate it yet.
Now I bet you are asking where is the bathroom? Well, the shower is upstairs in the family house. I need to ask them the day before that I would like a shower so they can start warming the water as it takes a few hours. The toilet, the good news it is a western type of toilet, but the bad news it is way in the back yard and you have to put water down it after you are finished (called manual flush). It makes it difficult for those of us that wake up in the middle of the night. But it is all good!!
The great news is that I have Internet and it only took a week to get it. (Of course I had help from a local!!).
Side note: Grandpa likes to tinker. Our stove has 4 burners only two worked but after grandpa tinker, we now have only one burner working. We have a pump that pumps water and after his tinkering our pump doesn't work! So needless to say we are hauling water in.
Side Side note: About two hours ago, we had an earthquake (about 3-3.5 on the richter scale). I was a little nervous about it as after I checked and there are cracks in the walls and ceiling. I text our security guy and asked him "should I be concern?" He called back said," no" but keep a bag pack just in case. There hasn't been any after shocks, so I think I will be okay. But it knocked over the water heater in the bathroom upstairs, now I don't get a shower today...darn. Wow, am I being told something and I'm not listening?????
Life Challenge: Maya Angelou quoted: I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel!!
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