Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Final Thoughts on China and Hong Kong

It was definitely an adventure in China.  I am happy that I went but I think the most negative part of the trip was with the Chinese shoving and pushing.  They are in such a hurry they don't take time to "smell the roses" and they become rude and obnoxious.  At attractions, they just want to take a picture and not enjoy the exhibit, that is sad. Hong Kong was amazing but where I stayed I was nervous the whole time.  Chung King Mansion is the most dangerous place in Hong Kong.  It is said to be a fire trap waiting to happen.  I believe that.  The vendors downstairs are hustling all the time to sell sim cards, purses, clothing, anything.  I guess the good news is that it use to be a den of prostitutes and drug dealers but they cleaned that up!! I'm lucky on that part and there are a lot of police hanging around so maybe that is good news too!!  Just Google Chung King Mansion and you will get an idea of what kind of place it is (I unfortunately Google after I was there).  But in all fairness, because Booking.com gave this place a 7.4 and the picture it showed is why I stayed but the picture and write up was very deceiving. And unless you had heard about Chung King Mansion you wouldn't know how bad it is.  I think the reviews are a set up by someone at the mansion. The booking websites should be more honest with travelers about this place.  A Korean women stayed the last night I was there but was so scared and disgusted that when I got up (at 6 am) she packed and went with me.  I know there are other decent hostel in Hong Kong within the same price range that are cleaner and safer.  Not knowing a place is the only draw back because you can end up in a place like that.  But, I always was out sightseeing and didn't come back until 6-7 pm (so I could take a shower before people started lining up) and I use the bathroom across the street in the market!!   I am out of there now and I am in Bangkok, Thailand.  I arrived late last night, so today, I just got my clothes laundered (cost $4.00) an hour message ($10.00) and a hair cut ($5.00). Not bad, tomorrow I am going to go on a tour to see the River Kwai, then an elephant reserve to ride an elephant and Tiger temple where monks and tigers interact should be interesting.  I will take lots of pictures. Here are some pictures of Bangkok:

Bangkok near my hotel

one of the many canals

Lots of traffic

Rare time, not so busy!!

Life Challenge:  All of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them... Walt Disney

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