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Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I am thankful for my children, grandchildren, my family and friends.  I am thankful that I can even blog today as the electricity went out last night and this is the second Internet cafe I have been to.  The first one had no electricity and neither has my home since about 4 this morning!  I am thankful that I live in a country where God has blessed me with so much.  I am thankful that I can be of service and maybe a part of an positive change in Azerbaijan. I am in a country where change takes time.  Most schools have the bare minimum, which for the most part is just a book.  I would like to ask today for your help.  If anyone is involved with a church or organization that can help with schools supplies (I especially need all kinds of flash cards, small white board with markers, crayons, coloring books, notebooks, simple games, pens and pencils), please e-mail me at and I will send you my address (I cannot give out my address on the blog, Peace Corps policy). I know the children and I would be extremely grateful and you will be bless for being a part of this positive change. If you cannot send supplies (money would help too) you could help by sending a postcard or letters and pictures.  Thank you so much for whatever you can give.

There are two clusters in Massariz that are getting together and making a traditional dinner with few expections.  We cannot go to Costco to get a turkey, they bought a turkey near Baku which by the way is alive!  Oh yes, it has been named Benjamin, so it will be interesting to see if they will butcher it.  I have not seen it and don't want to because I would throw myself on it begging everyone NOT to kill it. My contribution is corn, I have been to two town bazaars (Xirdalan and Sumguyyet) and go figure, corn in NOT in season.  So one of the host moms went to Baku to buy corn for me (I cannot go into Baku). There will be 18 of us, so it should feel almost like home.

My permanent site is in the North.  If you look at Azerbaijan, it looks like a left hand.  My town is in the Middle finger called Zagatella. I am actually in a settlement 20 km from Zagatella.  This is near the Georgian border.  My accomdations will be in another host family (they have Internet-yea), so I can SKYPE.  The school I will be teaching in has 5 English teachers.  The level of English will be determined when I observe classes and see their teaching methods.  I met with my counterpart yesterday, and I am very excited about the area and the school.  I will be in an area with lots of trees (a National forest) and hiking.  God surely has blessed me (but it does snow-yuck).

May God Bless us all on this Thanksgiving Day

Life Challenge:  Excellence is not a skill...It is an attitude - Ralph Marston

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