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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Venting - Housing

Earthquake damage in Faldar
Earthquake damage

Earthquake damage in Faldar
I try not to be negative, most people do not want to hear about problems but sometimes you just have to vent.  I wanted to blog about the great weekend in Gax (next blog) but I need to get this out, so please bare with me and I will try not to vent again.  As most of you know I have not had good luck with my housing to say the least.  I am living in temporary housing until June 1st (please note the date of this blog).  I am not living in the basic standards that PC requires (example; no running water, ground level windows facing a busy street with no safety bars, the gas heater is extremely dangerous if the wind picks up it has a back draft that can easily set the lace curtains on fire), I could go on but I think you have a good idea of my living conditions (and I am not even counting all of the critters that come in!!). On the plus side the grand parents and daughter-in-law are very kind.  I knew that this would only be for 3 months, so I sucked it up again and dealt with it.  About a month ago, I sent a message to the housing coorindinator reminding him of my move, he called me and assure me that everything was okay.  Last week when he finally came out to check the condition of our housing because of the earthquakes that happened 3 weeks ago (side note, one PCV's was ordered to move out of her house by the local government because it was just too dangerous to live there and another PCV house was unlivable and she was sleeping in a carport on a divan with her host family at relatives house..when I saw that, I insisted that she lived with me because that was just unacceptable in my opinion until they finally moved her to a different site up north)...sorry back to the story. We went over again to the house where I was suppose to move into to finalize everything and I was told by the housing coorindinator to just go and check with her the next week.  So on Monday, I went over and brought my friend who speaks the language fluently and I was told by the landlady that the students would be back on June the 4th until the 20th for finals, and then in July her family is coming for 10 days for a wedding.  Would I have a problem with that??  Uhhh yes I believe so!!!  So back to Peace Corps finding me suitable housing once again.  And to add insult to injury, I walked by the Russian school in Zaqatala where I will be teaching in September and it is being bull doze!!  I was told they were going to remodel the school (not tear it down) but I think because of the earthquakes, they just leveled it!!  You know I just can't get a break here.  I think this country is beating me.  Is it time to throw in the towel????? Thanks for listening.

Life Challenge:  Defeat is not the worst of failures, not to have tried is the true failure... George Edward Woodberry

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