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Sunday, November 4, 2012

It's Me or the Pumpkin

My pumpkin before Pie (notice the knife)

Happy Late Halloween!!  I had a pumpkin that I got from my friends in the village.  It gave me a small reminder of home (they do not celebrate Halloween here).  But unlike home, I decided I would make pumpkin pie and soup from my Halloween pumpkin.  I got my sharpest knife and tryed to peel it, but that wasn't going to happen!!  So I got my trusty ax out (my landlady left it with me in case of burglars or it is also useful as a hammar too!) and with my knife cut that pumpkin up.  I got all the seeds out (hmmm roasted pumpkin seeds) and put the cut up pumpkin in boiling water.  After about 30 minutes it was so soft, I was able to scrap it off the rime.  It was a small pumpkin but I was able to make a pie and curry pumpkin soup.  And for the pie, I even made homemade crust (again thank you PCV's cookbook). And here are the results:

Pumpkin Seeds and Pie hmmmm

I had my site mate over and we had the delicious soup and pumpkin pie, my mom would be proud of me!  As Julie Childs would say "Bon Appetit"

Life Challenge:  If you really want to make a friend, go to someone's house and eat with them.... the people who give you their food also gives you their heart.... Cesar Chavez.

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