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Thursday, November 10, 2011

What a Difference a Day Makes

Saturday, our cluster was finally allowed to visit Baku. The day was cool but not uncomfortable, not until towards the end of the day. Baku is so different then the rest of the regions.  It is absolutely beautiful city and so up to date in every way.

Just look at these pictures, with real bathrooms, restaurants and coffee shops.  Wow, I did not want to leave.  They even have a metro station.  You can see the weather was fine.

On Sunday, it rained cats and dogs.  I never saw rain that hard before.  And not only did it rain hard, the wind and cold were horrible, I was chilled through my bones.  So why would anyone go out in that type of weather?  Well, a group of us met in a trainee village for a Bible study.  How awesome was that. I felt very bless to have found other Christians here.  It was a good study.  Afterwards a couple of us went to Sumguyet (a larger town),I needed a coffee grinder.  I received a package from home with coffee and when I opened it up to have some, it was whole beans (OK, God was playing a joke), so I was determined no matter what the cost was, I was buying a grinder through rain or storm or blizzard!  Well, I did find a grinder at the Bazaar and was singing praises going home (tomorrow I will have fresh ground coffee)... Yea right. Guess what happened?  Yep, Monday morning about 4 am, we had a power outage!!  And on top of that it snowed and not powdered snow, a blizzard.  It must have been zero degrees, I was NEVER so cold in my life.  So not only did I NOT have coffee, I was freezing and had to go to language class in that storm. I wore about 5 layers and I still could not get warm. It was 3 days that we did not have electricity.  But I did received a package from my friend with GROUND coffee, so I finally had my fresh brew coffee this morning.  Thank you God and Viv. The weather is warming up some and I am defrosting and our electricity finally came back on.  Today was site announcements and I am going North near Georgia, Russia in the Caucasus mountains.  It will be butt cold in the winter, but in the Spring and Summer, the hiking will be out of this world.  I will give you more information once I know it.  We move to our permanent sites after swearing in, December 10th.  My new host family will have Internet, yea, so I will be able to blog more.

1 comment:

  1. What a great sport you are for agreeing to live in these extreme conditions. I know God will use you, work in you and work through you!
