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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Dedicated to the Ones I Love

Happy Haystack in Virginia
I struggle with so much here, the environment, the language, the culture to name a few.  But if I did not have my family and friends with their love, packages and skyping, I probably would have thrown in the towel and given up a long time ago!! Do I really need all this frustration, I am just too old for this.  But with all the support (and packages), I am on my 8th month in Azerbaijan and I am still here (go figure).  I think God is thinking that one too!!  The earthquakes are still shaking this place and I just can't wait for the next challenge that God is sending to me!!  I wanted to let you ALL know that I value you and all of your love and kindness from the bottom of my heart.  When I was cold, you sent me gloves, hats and thermals and chocolate.  When I was hungry and sad, you sent me soup mix, Cheetos, chex mix, tuna and chocolate.  When I needed schools supplies for my conversation club, you sent me white boards, markers, crayons, color pencils, flash cards, an art project and chocolate.  And when I needed prayers, you all prayed really hard (and sent me chocolate).  We SKYPE, we e-mail, we face book, we chat, you haven't forgotten me.  Life is a journey and without family or friends (and chocolate) it can be a lonely one.  Thank you for being my family and friends.  I love you all with all my heart and I thank God every day that I am bless by you.  Please send chocolate!!

Life Challenge: The most I can do for my friend is simply be his friend... Henry David Thoreau

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