I wanted to have a light subject after my last blog. Thanks for reading and listening to my frustration. My kitchen at my temporary housing is a covered garage kitchen shared by the whole family. Above the stove and under the stairs, I notice one day, a bird nest. I found out that a pair of Azerbaijan mocking birds come back to this house every year for the past ten years to build their nest and have their babies. Each day they would take turns warming the eggs and adding twigs to their nest and pooping on the floor by the stove. (Now I know why the family puts plastic on the cement!!). Watching this pair of bird parents encourages me that even in the wild, God joins them together to rise a family. In the morning when I put my water on for coffee you have to step lightly as bird poop in on the floor, but I would watch these two and see how busy and happy they are just like all new parents waiting for the new arrivals. Then one morning, I saw egg shells (and poop) on the floor. Oh goodness, they are here. Now I see mom and pop frantically flying in and out bringing them food. I got on a chair and counted; 1,2,3, yes 4 little mocking birds. Mom and Dad continue to feed them and sometimes when I watch, pop goes over to the wire and just swings alone. He is tired!! Well, this week they were big enough and old enough to start flying lessons. Yep, mom and pop got them out of the nest (no easy task) and started teaching them to fly. Both parents were involved teaching them. I watch as the little ones sat (and pooped) on the ceiling pipes and mom and dad kept flying around them until one by one would take that leap and fly. As the days passed I see them coming back to the ceiling pipes each night to sleep (and poop). Tonight they brought home a friend (a sleepover). I am told that will stay until the fall and then fly south for the winter. What a great way to celebrate Spring (and no more snow) each year with mom and dad mocking bird coming home and starting a new family (and pooping) each year!!
Mom (middle) trying to get them to fly
Dad's tired
Sleeping with a friend
Dad and Mom on the right
Close up with sleepover
Life Challenge: We never know the love of a parent till we become parents ourselves..... Henry Ward Beecher
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