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Monday, July 2, 2012

Home Sweet Home Again Number 5

It is hard to imagine that I have been here for nine months and have moved 5 times!! I am finally (or hopefully) at my permanent housing for the rest of my Peace Corps service.  It is an apartment on the second floor in Zaqatala.  My friends from the wedding palace had a couple of their employees pick up my stuff and bring it over, that was so very kind of them (or else I would had to pay a taxi or walk it over which would have taken hours plus as usual, it was raining!!  Murphy's law, I think every time I have moved it was raining!!). There is a few problems but hopefully they will be resolved in time.  I have gas burners in the kitchen but back up electic stove in the living room (do you ask why in the living room because I only have one outlet in the kitchen for the refrigator but two outlets in the living room!), the electric stove is in case I don't have gas which happened on day two.  I also have a water tank in the bathroom (a small one) that water is delivered I think twice a week and I will be shown how to fill the tank on Tuesday.  My toilet has a bad leak and I've ran out of water and this on day 3 (and I know I hadn't used that much water), so I think it is the leak that is using it up. The owners will also repair that on Tuesday, so I think that will help on the usage of water.  I have been cleaning and organizing and it is starting to feel better.  The carpet they had on the wall (don't ask, I don't know why, it is a culture thing) I've put my pictures of family, friends, favorite aminals, cards, and letters along with drawings my grandchildren sent me.  See before and after pictures:

 Before Living Room
After Living Room
After Bedroom

Before and After Love the Color

 Before Bedroom

Still needs work (love the living room colors, red, red and more red, but you work with what you got!!) I feel so bless  (Thank you God), no yelling or walking in when I am taking a shower, no stereo blasting and TV blaring at the same time (my room was right in the middle of both the TV and stereo). And thank God INDOOR plumbing and indoor kitchen, yea, yea. 

I have also been to the school I will be teaching at in the fall as the students are out for the summer but the teachers are not until June 30th.  It is a beautiful school and I met with the Director (a women) who is excited to have me.  One of the English teachers had invited me over for guesting and sent me home with cheese, eggs, fruits and vegetables all home grown.  Her birthday was yesterday and I was invited over to celebrate with her family.  They must have taken a hundred pictures of me with everyone in the family, but it was good to feel included, something I never felt when I was in the village.
New School in the Fall

One of the English teachers Leyla

Side view with a beautiful tree
So next week another camp, this one is in Gabala and it is a camp for young girls called GLOW.  This is one of the bigger one so most of my expenses will be covered through a grant, but this will be the last camp for the summer as we are told we are not expected to help out at camps (so no reimbursement is due) and we are to remain active in our respective communities and if we question this we are considered to have a bad attitude.  So there you go.

Life Challenge: To often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.... John F Kennedy

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