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Friday, September 27, 2024

Okavango Delta

 The Okavango Delta is one of the largest inland delta on earth and also a national wonder. We headed to our camp site in a mokoro canoe. The local villagers were are crew for the two days of wilderness camping.  It took about an hour to get to the site so as the crew set up we went on a short hike. The landscape was beautiful. We saw elephants, a family of giraffes, water buffaloes, and hippos. When we got back, the camp was set up and we ate dinner. During the night we can hear hippos snorting in the water close by. We found out in the morning that a lion had killed an elephant close by. The smell was unbelievable. We also had a visitor, a honey badger that made himself quite at home by knocking over dishes and getting into the trash bags. Quite a sight in the morning! It was extremely hot and each day hotter. I’m glad it was only two days.  Here a some of the pictures:

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