Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Half Way There

MSC is over (Mid Service Conference) and we are half way through our service.  Wow, I can't believe I've been here for 16 months, half way (trust me at times it seems like 16 years!! especially during winter!!). Our group went to Baku for medical examinations and dental exams.  We spent two days talking about goals to complete for the coming year.  Because I am in a new school this year, I requested and received approval to take my counterpart to TEFL training at the end of February with the new group of volunteers and their counterparts.  I have also requested to participate in the TEFL training of the new volunteers (AZ11) that are coming in April.  Since I have worked with every type of teacher that they talked about during my training, I can give some insight on how to manage to work and teach with them without KILLING anyone!!

Kaylee and I in Sheiki
My project for neutering animals is going very slow.  I had the one meeting where they were really excited about my idea and even requested an application for a volunteer for the organization. I have been trying to get information to start the grant but so far no luck!!  Either my friend who is the translator is busy or the Director has not been at his office.  I did give the application to one of the workers and I just keep my fingers cross that she gives it to the Director.  I've found that in this country everything takes twice as long (hurry up and wait... that's my favorite thing to do!!), but if you are patience and presistent then you eventually come out with the information you need.

Looking out my window!!!!
The weather has been holding out, at least for snow.  It did start raining today and has not stopped.  When I left school, the temperature was dropping, so we may get snow.  It has been cold, but not freezing which is good.  I am running my little heater and for one month (and I was gone for one week for MSC), my electric bill was 25 manate (or around $40.00), more than Peace Corps allotment, so it is expensive.  I have been keeping it off as much as possible, having the PC issued Big Bertha sleeping bag helps, but I do notice my joints are starting to hurt when it gets too cold, and then I have to turn on the heater.  It is the end of January and hopefully only one more month of winter and with any luck or God willing no snow!!! Yea right, I only pray.  We did get enough snow last year for two winters!!!

I hope the New Year is a blessing to you all.  I will blog more, I promise. Not much happening this month, and not getting into any trouble, but I am sure it will find me!!

Life Challenge: Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again!!  Franklin P. Jones

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